Backyard Ecology™ Community
Confidently create and maintain your pollinator and wildlife habitat.
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Get customized advice that is specific to you and your unique situation.
There’s lots of great “big picture” information available about creating pollinator gardens or larger habitats for pollinators and wildlife.
What’s lacking are opportunities to say, “This is what I want to do. This is what I’m struggling with. How do I make it work on my property?”
That’s part of what the Backyard Ecology™ Community offers its members every day.
What is the Backyard Ecology™ Community?
We’re a community-based coaching and support program for busy homeowners in the eastern U.S. who want to confidently create and maintain pollinator and wildlife habitat on their property that they can enjoy and be proud of.
We’re here to teach, guide, and support you so that you can enjoy all the butterflies, bees, fireflies, hummingbirds, songbirds, and other life that starts visiting your property.
We believe that anyone can make a positive difference in the natural world and create a thriving ecosystem on their property. We also believe that it shouldn’t take all your time, money, or energy to do so.

I used to think I only had two options for creating my dream native backyard. One option was to spend thousands of dollars for a professional to do it for me. The other was to spend thousands of hours teaching myself and making lots of mistakes along the way. Then, I found the Backyard Ecology Community.
The Community’s unique combination of comprehensive instruction with direct access to professionals with 25+ years of experience and the accountability of a community has empowered me to achieve my dream backyard more quickly and economically than I previously thought possible.
~ Amanda
Do you ever wish there was a place you could go to…
- get help figuring out how to attract more pollinators and wildlife to your property in a way that is aesthetically pleasing and works with the other ways your family wants to use your land?
- find encouragement and support when your habitat or pollinator project doesn’t go the way you planned, you’re struggling with a stubborn invasive species, or you run up against a challenging situation?
- get answers to questions that you don’t even know you have, while bouncing around ideas and supporting others who are trying to do similar things?
- share interesting plants, insects, or other animals that you find with others who are just as excited as you about what you found?
- just generally geek out about nature?
If so, your wish has been answered!

As a member of the Backyard Ecology™ Community you will…
🦋 Save time, money, and frustration by not having to figure it all out by yourself.
- You’ll have direct access to experts and other community members who are also creating, maintaining, and improving pollinator and wildlife habitat on their properties.
🦋 Avoid overwhelm and information overload by getting answers to your questions as they relate to your property.
- You’ll receive customized and personalized guidance that is tailored for your unique property, skills, time, finances, and other resources.
- You can’t get that type of support from websites, books, or videos because it requires getting to know you and your property.
🦋 Gain inspiration and motivation to take action.
- You’ll discover easy, but effective, ways to create habitat and a thriving ecosystem on your property.
- You’ll be inspired by the stories and experiences shared by other members.
- You’ll find motivation by sharing your habitat goals and being encouraged to achieve them.
🦋 Confidently create, improve, and expand your pollinator and wildlife habitat.
- You’ll gain the knowledge, skills, and techniques to confidently think through the process, weigh your options, and implement your plan.
- If you run up against a problem or challenge, just ask and you’ll receive customized and personalized answers and guidance.
🦋 Be surrounded by a community of fellow nature lovers and Backyard Ecologists™.
- Everyone in the Backyard Ecology™ Community is there to celebrate your successes, brainstorm with you, provide encouragement, and support you throughout your habitat creation journey.
- We look forward to you being there for us in the same ways.

I have access to lots of people who have plant knowledge, but it is really nice to have a source of people who are thinking about the plants as part of an ecosystem and not just a garden.
Every time I participate in the Backyard Ecology™ Community, I go away with a piece of information that I didn’t know before.
~ Sue Ann
What’s included:
🦋 Direct access to Shannon and Anthony so that you can get the advice and coaching you need to achieve your unique goals.
- We are members of the community too and are actively involved in the community – answering your questions, teaching, mentoring, coaching, and sharing our own stories, experiences, and wisdom.
🦋 A private, members-only forum so that you can get the help and support you need, when you need it.
- Post questions, share successes and challenges, geek out about nature, and interact with others who share your interests and desires anytime you want without the hassle and toxicity of traditional social media.
🦋 2 members-only, live, online events each month so that you can continue learning and ask questions that are too complicated to post in the forum.
- Receive a short, bite-sized lesson about a topic relevant to that month.
- Ask more in-depth or complicated questions about your pollinator and wildlife habitat projects.
- Enjoy live discussions with other members.
- Recordings are available for those who can’t make a live event.
🦋 The ability to request an Opportunity Seat so that we can dive deep into a specific challenge you are facing and help you develop a personalized plan and course of action.
- Think of an Opportunity Seat as an hour long, virtual habitat consultation with Shannon and Anthony which is conducted in a group coaching setting where you also get to draw upon the experiences and insights of other community members.
🦋 Opportunity to make new friends and help others who are on similar ecological journeys.

Why should I join the Backyard Ecology™ Community?
Coaches can help you see what you’re missing, discover the next best step, and chart a path to achieve your goal.
Sports coaches, fitness coaches, nutrition coaches, business coaches, and other types of coaches are so popular because they help you get results while saving you tons of time, frustration, money, and headaches.
Community support is invaluable when it comes to making positive changes in personal habits and practices.
That’s just as true for engaging with nature and taking meaningful ecological actions on your property as it is for exercising, losing weight, or quitting smoking.
The Backyard Ecology™ Community gives you the benefits of coaching AND community support!
Shannon and Anthony will be there to coach and guide you every step of the way. All you have to do is ask.
You’ll also be able to tap into the expertise and experiences of other nature lovers and Backyard Ecologists™ who, like you, are working towards making their properties more ecologically friendly and sustainable. You have a whole community supporting you, encouraging you, and helping you accomplish your goals.
As a member of the Backyard Ecology™ Community, you are no longer alone.
We’ll help you identify and meet your goals in the simplest and most cost-efficient way. We’ll also celebrate with you along the way and help you adapt if things don’t go as planned.

Exploring concepts and plant life, all while connecting with individuals who share my interest in ecology, has been a transformative experience.
This community has not only nurtured my personal growth but has also instilled a profound appreciation for the natural world.
The ability to share the beauty of the outdoors has been a powerful source of motivation for me.
~ Adam
Membership fees:
Quarterly Membership
(3 months at $42 / month)
Annual Membership
(Get 2 months free)
What we ask of our members:
🦋 Come with an open mind. Your solutions and balancing points may be different than someone else’s, and that’s ok.
🦋 Be willing to participate in the activities, including engaging in the member forum, to the extent that you are able and feel comfortable doing so.
🦋 Share your knowledge and experiences with other members of the group. We all know something that someone else doesn’t and we all benefit when everyone shares what we know.

Watch a behind the scenes tour:
Frequently Asked Questions
Is this for me?
The Backyard Ecology™ Community is for you, if you….
- live in the eastern U.S.
- want your property to look nice while also attracting and supporting local pollinators and wildlife.
- dream of creating habitat and a thriving ecosystem on your property, not just another garden.
- struggle with figuring out how to apply everything you’ve read or watched about habitat creation to your specific location and situation.
- feel frustrated and overwhelmed from trying to do everything by yourself.
- wish you could have ongoing mentoring, coaching, and support from experts and others who are doing all the things you dream of doing.
- are tired of generic, cookie-cutter solutions that never seem quite “right” for your situation.
What if I’m just getting started and don’t know much about native plants or creating pollinator and wildlife habitat?
That’s ok, and you’re not alone. Everybody started their journey at the beginning and none of us know everything. We believe that curiosity, an open mind, and a willingness to learn are the perfect tools for success no matter what your experience level is.
Which would be better, joining the Community or getting an on-site consultation?
It depends. For some people and some situations, an on-site habitat consultation may be what they need. For other people and other situations, the coaching and guidance you receive in the Backyard Ecology™ Community might be a better fit.
The two options aren’t mutually exclusive either. An on-site habitat consultation could help jumpstart your project and then the coaching within the Community could provide you with the ongoing guidance and support you need for the long-haul.
The chart below provides some of the pros and cons of each option. If you’re still not sure which is the right choice for you, contact us and we’ll help you figure it out.
We recognize that the Backyard Ecology™ Community isn’t for everyone, and we’re not going to try to talk you into something that we don’t think is right for you.
On-site consultation vs virtual coaching
Which is right for you?
On-site Consulting
- On-the-ground professional insights: You get a professional’s on-site opinion. They may see things you don’t.
- Less initial time and thought investment: Just do what they tell you and follow their plan.
- Familiar communication method: Talking face-to-face is easy – we’ve been doing that for practically our entire lives.
- Accessibility: It may be hard to find a qualified consultant.
- Expense: Travel costs add up quickly, especially if the consultant isn’t local.
- Limited access to expertise: Consultant takes knowledge and skills with them when the project is done.
Virtual Coaching
- Save money: You can often get several months or even a year’s worth of virtual coaching for the price of one on-site consultation.
- More accessible: You aren’t limited to finding someone who is local to where you live.
- Ongoing support: You can get help with questions and unexpected challenges as they come up.
- Builds confidence: You are empowered to do your own habitat creation and maintenance.
- Expertise is yours to keep: The knowledge and skills you gain can be applied, not just to the immediate project, but also to additional projects you want to do in the future.
- You get out of the program what you put into it: Requires more time and thought from you on the front end because you aren’t handed a readymade plan to follow.
- You don’t know what you don’t know: You may not see everything that a consultant sees, or even if you see it, you might not recognize that it’s important. (Although we try to help you identify those things.)
- Technology: You don’t have to be a tech guru, but you do need to be comfortable using basic technology such as message boards and Zoom to communicate. (We’re willing to help you learn.)
I don’t do Facebook or other social media. Will I still be able to participate?
Yes. Many of our members aren’t big on social media. Honestly, we don’t do much of it either in our personal lives. It’s just not something that appeals to us.
That’s why we chose not to build the Backyard Ecology™ Community on any of the traditional social media platforms. The platform where we host the Backyard Ecology™ Community discussion forums is a private platform that we’re paying to use.
You can check out our behind the scenes tour or contact us and ask to schedule a private tour if you would like to see what it’s like.
How much time will this take?
The community is very laid back. You can invest as much or as little time in forum discussions and attend as many or as few of the live events as you like. (All of our live events are held at 7:00 p.m. CT / 8:00 p.m. ET to allow the greatest number of members to attend.)
Obviously, the more you engage and participate in the various opportunities, the more you will get out of the community. But you get to choose the level of engagement that is right for you at this moment in time.
What sets Shannon and Anthony apart is that they are not only good at their chosen career, they’re passionate about their chosen careers.
For me, the biggest benefit has been guidance in the many directions you can go.
I keep trying to make this way too hard and they keep coming up with easier ways to do it and encouraging me to focus so I get more done.
~ Darrell
Meet your hosts:
We are Shannon and Anthony Trimboli. We live in southcentral Kentucky and are life-long nature lovers. Shannon has an M.S. in Ecology and a B.S. in Wildlife Biology. Anthony has an M.S. in Agriculture and a B.S. in Wildlife Biology.
We are passionate about sharing our love of nature with others. We enjoy inspiring people to form their own connections with nature and then take action to create their own thriving ecosystems on their property.
In addition to hosting Backyard Ecology™, we operate a small native plant nursery and habitat consulting business for pollinators and wildlife. Shannon has also written multiple books and we both give presentations and keynotes focused on the topics we cover through Backyard Ecology™.
Like you, we are also actively working on and managing our property to attract pollinators and wildlife. So, we understand all the excitement, challenges, frustrations, and celebrations that come with trying to create functioning ecosystems on your property because we’re experiencing the same things.

Confidently create and maintain your pollinator and wildlife habitat.
Become a member of the Backyard Ecology™ Community today and say good-by to…
- trying to figure it all out on your own,
- feeling frustrated and overwhelmed by information overload, and
- struggling with generic, cookie-cutter solutions that never seem quite “right” for your situation.

Still not sure?
Contact us and we’ll send you a link to schedule a 15-minute Zoom call to discuss your questions or concerns.
We recognize that the Backyard Ecology™ Community isn’t for everyone, and we’re not going to try to talk you into something that we don’t think is right for you.
Backyard Ecology™’s Guiding Principles:
🦋 Curiosity: Nature is fun, interesting, and worth exploring. We will never know everything. Answers lead to more questions. That’s half the fun.
🦋 Balanced: You don’t have to choose. You can support nature AND have a beautiful property that you can enjoy and be proud of.
🦋 Science informed: Habitat creation and management should be based on the latest scientific research available. This is true regardless of whether you’re working in a small garden or on hundreds of acres.
🦋 Stewardship: Anyone can make a positive difference in the natural world and leave an ecological legacy on their property.