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Show notes:
Winter is often depicted as being dark and cold. A time to slow down and spend more time inside, than outside. But winter can be a really great time for observing nature and doing many habitat management activities. Habitat management activities that we can do in the winter is a topic that I get asked about frequently. So, I thought it might be helpful to share with you some of the things that we do on our farm at this time of year or that we recommend to others.
In this episode of the Backyard Ecology podcast, we’re talking with Anthony Trimboli. You may remember Anthony from the trail camera episode he did with us several months ago. Anthony is a wildlife biologist and my husband. He also helps me with my nursery and habitat consulting business.
Anthony and my conversation is very fluid. We cover a wide range of habitat management activities such as identifying and treating invasive species, identifying erosion issues that may need to be addressed in the future, cutting trees, and planting.
Our conversation also frequently wanders from habitat management activities to more general activities related to observing nature. That only made sense to us, because being able to see and enjoy the nature on our property is one of the reasons why we do the habitat work that we do. Some of the nature observations we frequently like to do in the winter are search for cool native plants, look for vernal pools and observe the animals found there, look for shed antlers, and watch the birds. Hopefully, you enjoy are our conversation and find it helpful as you think about activities to do on your property this winter.
- Backyard Ecology’s website – https://backyardecology.net
- Other relevant Backyard Ecology podcast episodes:
- NRCS Programs for Pollinators and Wildlife – https://www.backyardecology.net/nrcs-programs-for-pollinators-and-wildlife/
- Trail cameras: A fun way to watch wildlife in your yard – https://www.backyardecology.net/trail-cameras-a-fun-way-to-watch-wildlife-in-your-yard/
- More than a Mud Puddle: The Exciting World of Vernal Pools – https://www.backyardecology.net/more-than-a-mud-puddle-the-exciting-world-of-vernal-pools/
- Other relevant Backyard Ecology blog articles:
- The Goldenrod Gall Fly: An Insect with a Fascinating Life History and Valuable Role in the Ecosystem – https://www.backyardecology.net/the-goldenrod-gall-fly-an-insect-with-a-fascinating-life-history-and-valuable-role-in-the-ecosystem/
- Ground Cedar: A Unique Evergreen Groundcover of Eastern Forests – https://www.backyardecology.net/ground-cedar-a-unique-evergreen-groundcover-of-eastern-forests/
- Cranefly Orchid: A cryptic native orchid – https://www.backyardecology.net/cranefly-orchid-tipularia-discolor-a-cryptic-native-orchid/
- Backyard Ecology blog: https://www.backyardecology.net/blog/
- Backyard Ecology’s Patreon page: https://www.patreon.com/backyardecology
- Subscribe to Backyard Ecology emails: https://www.backyardecology.net/subscribe/
- My email: shannon@backyardecology.net
Episode image:
- A patch of goldenrod on our farm.
- Photo credit: Shannon Trimboli, all rights reserved

Backyard Ecology: Exploring Nature in Your Backyard
Nature isn’t just “out there.” It’s all around us, including right outside our doors. Hi, my name is Shannon Trimboli, and I am the host of Backyard Ecology. I live in southcentral Kentucky and am a wildlife biologist, educator, author, beekeeper, and owner of a nursery specializing in plants for pollinators and wildlife conservation. I invite you to join me as we ignite our curiosity and natural wonder, explore our yards and communities, and improve our local pollinator and wildlife habitat. Learn more or subscribe to my email list at www.backyardecology.net.
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