
If you find the Backyard Ecology™ blog, podcast, and videos valuable and would like to help us continue producing them, there are multiple ways you can do so – some of which won’t cost you a dime.

2 monarch butterflies on yellow flowers


  • Share our content with others and help us grow our audience so we can help more people.
  • Watch our YouTube videos – we get a small amount of ad revenue from YouTube based on how many hours our videos are watched every month.
  • If you’re planning to shop on Amazon, first go to our recommendation page and click on any of the Amazon links, then do your normal shopping. Amazon will pay us a small commission for sending you to them – it comes at no extra cost to you and you don’t even have to buy the recommended item.


If you are willing and able to directly contribute to the financial costs of producing the YouTube channel, podcast, and blog, your generous donation will be greatly appreciated.

  • Become a Patron and make monthly donations.
  • Make a one-time donation online.
  • Mail a check to Grassy Roads LLC, P.O. Box 652, Glasgow, KY 42142-0652.

Thank you!

These amazing individuals go above and beyond every month to provide financial support which helps us create so much free content for everyone to enjoy and learn from.

Julie Krygier, Lizabeth, Russel Furnari, Crystal Robinson, Karen Veleta, Kevin B, Sally Mirick, Crystal Dyamonds, Mitchell Bell, Laura Hunt, Sue Ann Barnes, Adrienne Richardson, J. Adam Perkey, Ariel, Cara Flinn, David Todd, LaVonne Fitts, Cathy, Michael, Tom Winner, Eric Fleming, Julie, SB H, Christopher Scully, Craig, Rachel Antonucci, Melissa Egbertson, Switzy, CotswoldsCottageMA, Vilma Fabre, Pia O Nomata, Tyler, Linda McNees, HerculesBiggerCousin, Patrick Dwyer, and Lilith Jones.

Backyard Ecology™’s Guiding Principles:

🦋 Curiosity: Nature is fun, interesting, and worth exploring. We will never know everything. Answers lead to more questions. That’s half the fun.

🦋 Balanced: You don’t have to choose. You can support nature AND have a beautiful property that you can enjoy and be proud of.

🦋 Science informed: Habitat creation and management should be based on the latest scientific research available. This is true regardless of whether you’re working in a small garden or on hundreds of acres.

🦋 Stewardship: Anyone can make a positive difference in the natural world and leave an ecological legacy on their property.