Tag: Amphibian

  • Recent Nature-related Discoveries in My Yard and Community – April and May 2022

    Recent Nature-related Discoveries in My Yard and Community – April and May 2022

    Where did this spring go? The last couple of months have been crazy busy, but so much fun too. I have had the opportunity to make some amazing nature-related discoveries both around my own property and while traveling. Below are a few of the nature-related discoveries I’ve made on our property over the last couple…

  • The Fascinating World of Frogs and Toads in the Eastern U.S.

    The Fascinating World of Frogs and Toads in the Eastern U.S.

    Frogs and toads are so much fun to observe and learn about. In the eastern U.S. we are lucky because we have enough water that they can be found virtually anywhere. Some species may be very specific in their habitat needs, but others are fairly general and can be found in urban areas as well…

  • More than a Mud Puddle: The Exciting World of Vernal Pools

    More than a Mud Puddle: The Exciting World of Vernal Pools

    Vernal pools are a special type of shallow wetlands that fill with snow melt and rain in late fall through early spring, then dry up sometime during the summer. Because they dry up, they are sometimes overlooked or dismissed as “not very good wetlands.” However, they serve an important role in the ecosystem and can…

  • Announcing the Backyard Ecology Podcast

    Announcing the Backyard Ecology Podcast

    Over the last few months, I’ve been researching and working on a new project. Today I’m super excited to announce that I am launching a Backyard Ecology podcast! For those who might be wondering, a podcast is kind of like an audio version of a blog. I started listening to podcasts about a year and…

  • Introducing the Backyard Ecology podcast

    Introducing the Backyard Ecology podcast

    Many people believe that nature is only “out there” – in national parks, other large chunks of pristine land, or some far-off exotic place. For a long time, I did too. But the truth is that nature is everywhere and there are still plenty of discoveries to be made about the common species inhabiting our…

  • Nature-related Discoveries in My Backyard and Community – September 2020

    Nature-related Discoveries in My Backyard and Community – September 2020

    Over the past several weeks, I’ve been lucky enough to find some amazing critters and enjoy some beautiful wildflowers. In this week’s article, I just wanted to share some of the recent nature-related discoveries I made in my backyard and community. This weird looking wasp is an American pelecinid wasp (Pelecinus polyturator). I discovered it…

  • Spring Peepers

    Spring Peepers

    Spring peepers (Pseudacris crucifer) are small frogs that can be found throughout most of the eastern U.S. They are very common throughout most of their range. Spring peepers range in color from tan to grey and have an “X” on their back. These small frogs weigh less than 2 dimes and are only 0.75-1.5 inches…