Tag: Edible

  • Spicebush – A Native Shrub with Plenty to Like

    Spicebush – A Native Shrub with Plenty to Like

    By: Anthony Trimboli When we think of native shrubs that have four season interest the hollies often come to mind. Their bright red berries, spring bloom and foliage are all hard to beat when it comes to looking good in the landscape. But there is another alternative to the hollies that has many of the…

  • Allegheny Chinquapin: An underutilized but excellent nut producing shrub

    Allegheny Chinquapin: An underutilized but excellent nut producing shrub

    By: Anthony Trimboli When it comes to native nut producing trees and shrubs the oaks get most of the attention. The mostly gone but not forgotten American chestnut also gets a ton of press, even though there is no blight resistant variety available – yet. While trees are excellent nut producers, they are not the…

  • Sassafras – A Beautiful Native Tree Used by Wildlife and Humans

    Sassafras – A Beautiful Native Tree Used by Wildlife and Humans

    Sassafras (Sassafras albidum) is native to most of the eastern U.S. It is commonly found growing in fencerows, along the edges of woods, along roads or other right-of-ways, in forest openings, and in other sunny to mostly sunny locations. In more mature forests, small sassafras saplings can often be found waiting for a canopy opening…

  • New Jersey Tea

    New Jersey Tea

    New Jersey tea (Ceanothus americanus) is a low-growing, native shrub that can be found throughout most of the eastern half of the U.S. It is an interesting plant from both an ecological standpoint and from a historical / ethnobotanical standpoint. In the wild, New Jersey tea is typically found in rocky areas, sandy areas, glades,…

  • Sweet Goldenrod

    Sweet Goldenrod

    Sweet goldenrod (Solidago odora) is one of the over 30 species of goldenrods native to Kentucky according to the USDA Plant Database. This species of goldenrod is also native to most of the eastern U.S. (sorry Indiana, Illinois, Michigan, and Maine – it’s not native in your states) and a few states west of the…

  • American Persimmon

    American Persimmon

    The American persimmon (Diospyros virginiana) is a medium-sized tree that is native to most of the eastern half of the U.S. It grows in full sun and a wide variety of soils. The dark green leaves are your stereotypical “leaf shape” so aren’t much help by themselves for identifying the tree. The bark, however, is…

  • American Hazelnut

    American Hazelnut

    The American hazelnut (Corylus americana) is native throughout much of the eastern two thirds of the U.S. It grows in full sun to part shade, but produces more nuts in full sun, and will tolerate a wide variety of soils. This native shrub often forms multi-trunked thickets and can be 5-10 feet tall. American hazelnuts…

  • Staghorn Sumac

    Staghorn Sumac

    Note: Staghorn sumac and poison sumac (Toxicodendron vernix) are two different plants. They are both in the cashew family, but poison sumac is more closely related to poison ivy (Toxicodendron radicans) than staghorn sumac. At one time poison ivy and poison sumac were considered part of the Rhus genus, and some older references still contain…

  • Passionflower


    Passionflower (Passiflora incarnate) is a deciduous vine native to most of the eastern U.S. and a few states west of the Mississippi River. It is often found trailing along the ground or climbing up nearby vegetation in sunny areas. The passionflower is the state wildflower of Tennessee. In Kentucky, passionflower blooms from May through August. The…

  • Highbush Blueberry

    Highbush Blueberry

    The highbush blueberry (Vaccinium corymbosum) is a native to many parts of the eastern U.S. including Kentucky. It is a tall shrub that can be found growing in sunny locations that typically have relatively moist, but well drained, acidic soil. The highbush blueberry is also planted extensively outside of its native range because the blueberry…

  • Serviceberry


    Serviceberries (Amelanchier spp.) are small trees or large shrubs that typically grow to around 10-15 feet tall, but occasionally can be taller. There are multiple different species of serviceberry throughout the U.S. and Canada. In fact, every state except for Hawaii has a native species of serviceberry. In Kentucky, our two most common native species…

  • Eastern Redbud

    Eastern Redbud

    The eastern redbud (Cercis canadensis) is a small tree or tall shrub that is native to much of the eastern U.S. In the early spring, redbuds produce clusters of pink flowers. Redbuds bloom before the leaves have started to appear on most trees and their pretty pink flowers can often be spotted in the understory…